What does Vintage Magic provide consultation(s) for?
• Clients looking to invest in Magic: The Gathering art, collectibles or rarities
• Clients looking to invest in Pokemon, collectibles or rarities
• Clients seeking advice regarding their estate [inheritance or loss of family member]
• Clients seeking professional advice on to collect Magic: The Gathering
• Clients looking to sell their Magic: The Gathering collection or deck(s)
• Clients seeking more information on Vintage Magic Appraisal Services
• Clients seeking more information on Vintage Magic Consignment Services
• Clients seeking more information on Vintage Magic Deck & Set Collector Fulfillment Service
• Clients seeking more information on Vintage Magic Artist Brokerage Service
What does Vintage Magic NOT provide consultation(s) for?
• NON-MTG (Yu-Gi-Oh!, Sportscards, etc…) related collectibles
• Stolen Merchandise
We look forward to learning more about the history of your collecting/playing experiences.